**Vocabulary Words - 25.04.2015**
►-TURGID (VERB): inflated, overblown, or pompous
Synonyms: crying, weepy Antonyms: quiet, simple
Example Sentence:
The canvas was much too broad and turgid, the details too numerous and complex.
►-LACHRYMOSE (ADJECTIVE): suggestive of or tending to cause tears; mournful
Synonyms: pleasing, harmonic Antonyms: cheerful
Example Sentence:
The first half of the film plays for laughs, while the second half evolves into a lachrymose soap opera.
►-WELTER (NOUN): a confused mass, commotion
Synonyms: confusion, turmoil Antonyms: order, peace
Example Sentence:
The inevitable consequence will be a welter of bad loans.
►-OSSIFY (VERB): become hard from aging
Synonyms: harden, congeal Antonyms: soften, melt
Example Sentence:
Each of the lateral parts begins to ossify from a single center during the eighth week of fatal life.
►-DISCOMFIT (VERB): defeat, frustrate; confuse
Synonyms: perplex, vex Antonyms: comfort, soothe
Example Sentence:
And worse yet, he felt a strange shiver of discomfit at Cynthia's odd reaction to Jerome Shipton's death.
►-ARBITRARY (ADJECTIVE): something decided by impulse or chance
Synonyms: Random, Uncontrolled Antonyms: Reasoned, Sound
Example Sentence:
The shop was an arbitrary choice; it was the first one we crossed.
►-CAVEAT (ADJECTIVE): a warning or caution given
Synonyms: Forewarning, Admonition Antonyms: pamper, linient
Example Sentence:
Her father gave her a final caveat before sending her on the trip.
►-DIDACTIC (ADJECTIVE): something that is instructional or was intended to be instructional
Synonyms: Moralizing, Instructive Antonyms: boring, uneducational
Example Sentence:
The textbook was didactic without being completely boring.
►-ELUSIVE (ADJECTIVE) : something that is difficult to define or comprehend
Synonyms: evasive, mysterious Antonyms: understandable, definite
Example Sentence:
Many find the subject elusive in the extreme and thus it has the lowest attendance rate.
►-IRONY (NOUN) : sarcasm
Synonyms: Paradox, Derision Antonyms: Consideration, Deference
Example Sentence:
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