Friday 17 April 2015

**Vocabulary Words - 17.04.2015**

**Vocabulary Words - 17.04.2015**
►- SCURRILITY (NOUN): a false accusation or the quality of being evil
Synonyms: indecency, atrocity Antonyms: virtue, pleasantry
Example Sentence:
The newspapers reviled their opponents with the utmost bitterness, and often with ferocious scurrility.
►- CENSORIOUS (ADJECTIVE): very critical
Synonyms: accusatory, condemning Antonyms: praising, encouraging
Example Sentence:
There's no reason to be prissy or censorious on the subject of politicians and their ghostwriters.
►- CONVIVIALITY (NOUN): a noisy drinking party
Synonyms: festivity, merriment Antonyms: recluse, boredom
Example Sentence:
He was often melancholy, and wild conviviality and celebrity made no difference to that.
►- JOCUND (ADJECTIVE): cheerful
Synonyms: jolly, lighthearted Antonyms: sad, sulky
Example Sentence:
It was a jocund wedding party and we enjoyed oureslves a lot.
►- BAROQUE (ADJECTIVE): decorative, especially architecture
Synonyms: florid, ornate Antonyms: plain, undecorated
Example Sentence:
Focused on evening wear, the baroque richness and detailed workmanship reflected the gilt-embossed walls of the venue.
►- AGGRANDIZE (VERB): cause something to seem or be greater, bigger
Synonyms: expand, intensify Antonyms: censure , condense
Example Sentence:
The new regulations will do nothing more than needlessly aggrandize the process.
►- ASININE (ADJECTIVE): senseless
Synonyms: absurd, inane Antonyms: sensible, clear
Example Sentence:
Lydia ignored her friend’s asinine remark.
►- BESMIRCH (VERB): damage (someone's reputation).
Synonyms: dishonour, slander Antonyms: honor, upgrade
Example Sentence:
He had besmirched the good name of his family
►- BLARNEY (NOUN) : flattery
Synonyms: cajolery, overpraise Antonyms: criticize
Example Sentence:
It took all my Irish blarney to keep us out of court.
►- CALLOW (ADJECTIVE) : immature
Synonyms: inexperienced, naive Antonyms: experienced, sophisticated
Example Sentence:
Anyway, comments about my callow youthfulness or my "babbling" are more entertaining than anything else.

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