Tuesday 28 April 2015

**Vocabulary Words - 28.04.2015**

**Vocabulary Words - 28.04.2015**
►-JEST (NOUN): joke
Synonyms: funny, banter Antonyms: work
Example Sentence:
Orthodoxies could not be questioned, even in jest.
►-RIFE (ADJECTIVE): overflowing
Synonyms: abundant, plentiful Antonyms: limited, scarce
Example Sentence:
Now that security was removed-and the air seemed rife with suspicion.
►-COWER (VERB): hide, hover in fear
Synonyms: recoil, cringe Antonyms: meet, come out
Example Sentence:
Frozen, our guide whispered to me to cower and pretend to eat leaves.
►-NONCHALANT (ADJECTIVE): easygoing, laid back.
Synonyms: composed, effortless Antonyms: concerned, deliberate
Example Sentence:
Most of them were pretty nonchalant and haven't spoken to me about it much.
►-RAZE (VERB): flatten, knock down; wipe out
Synonyms: demolish, wreck Antonyms: construct,repair
Example Sentence:
She razed all her past memeories.
►-LISTLESS (ADJECTIVE): spiritless, without energy
Synonyms: sluggish, lethargic Antonyms: active, energetic
Example Sentence:
The protesters were listless in the midday furnace of the equatorial sun but their message was fierce and clear.
►-APROPOSE (ADJECTIVE): relevant, suitable
Synonyms: apt, germane Antonyms: inappropriate, unsuitable
Example Sentence:
The final note in the article about the need for insulation is apropos.
Synonyms: Craving, eager Antonyms: hating, loathing
Example Sentence:
There was an elegiac tone to much of his work, a heightened awareness of loss and longing and regret.
►-PEEVISH (ADJECTIVE) : irritable, testy
Synonyms: Crabbed, angry Antonyms: friendly, pleasant
Example Sentence:
While he can be peevish and even mean, he is also frequently funny and generous.
►-DELETERIOUS (ADJECTIVE) : harmful, damaging
Synonyms: bad, destroying Antonyms: aiding, helpful
Example Sentence:
But that's not to say that they couldn't have some deleterious health effects.

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