Wednesday 29 April 2015

**Vocabulary Words - 29.04.2015**

**Vocabulary Words - 29.04.2015**
►-AGGRIEVED (ADJECTIVE): very distressed
Synonyms: disturbed, grieving Antonyms: comforted, happy
Example Sentence:
The aggrieved parties met and commenced arguing as to who was in the right.
►-NOTCH (NOUN): indentation
Synonyms: cleft, gap Antonyms: closing, closure
Example Sentence:
My security system is top notch though I've had little need to utilize it.
►-VIGIL (NOUN): watch
Synonyms: observance, patrol Antonyms: ignorance, negligence
Example Sentence:
It was left to a handful of workers' rights advocates to hold a quiet candlelight vigil in his honor.
►-LIBEL (NOUN): purposeful lie about someone, often malicious
Synonyms: defamation, calumny Antonyms: compliment, praise
Example Sentence:
In several cases, he has been sued for libel by those he has accused of misdeeds.
Synonyms: bullying, violent Antonyms: nonaggressive, weak
Example Sentence:
The drawback of such plans is that they often seem coercive.
Synonyms: aggressive, frightening Antonyms: comforting, brave
Example Sentence:
The reports also said some professors were intimidating students who did not accept that interpretation of events.
►-CLUTTER (NOUN): disarray, mess
Synonyms: confusion, chaos Antonyms: order, tidiness
Example Sentence:
Your own street is a clutter of rubble and collapsed buildings.
►-CULMINATION (NOUN): conclusion; climactic stage
Synonyms: climax, pinnacle Antonyms: beginning, introduction
Example Sentence:
It was the culmination of a tragic personal journey.
►-DIVULGE (VERB) : make known; confess
Synonyms: admit, reveal Antonyms: conceal, hide
Example Sentence:
We can't divulge any market information on when we're coming out with those products.
►-INVINCIBLE (ADJECTIVE) : indestructible
Synonyms: impregnable, indomitable Antonyms: conquerable, beatable
Example Sentence:
Although he was prematurely bald he could never shake off a look of invincible innocence.

►-Rebuff- दो टूक जवाब देना, झिड़क देना, अस्वीकार करना
S- decline, deny, refuse, reject, repluse, repel, rebuke, reprimand, reprove
A- admit, hail, encourage, agree, welcome
►-Reckless- असावधान, लापरवाह
S- careless, heedless, headstrong, unmindful, rash
A- careful, cautious, heedful, considerate

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