Tuesday 5 May 2015

**Vocabulary Words - 05.05.2015**

**Vocabulary Words - 05.05.2015**
1. CYNICISM (NOUN): the attitude or beliefs of a cynic.
Synonyms: bitterness, sarcasm Antonyms: belief, confidence
Example Sentence:
The cynicism definitely lingers but it leads nowhere in particular or perhaps to the retelling of old dreams and fantasies.
2. PROPONENT(NOUN): person who advocates, supports cause
Synonyms: exponent, patron Antonyms: antagonist, defender
Example Sentence:
She's a former small-business owner and a consistent proponent of free trade.
3. AMBIGUOUS (ADJ): having more than one meaning
Synonyms: cryptic, dubious Antonyms: determined, obvious
Example Sentence:
Confusing, ambiguous communication won't relay the correct news.
4. PANG (NOUN): ache, twinge
Synonyms: agony, anguish Antonyms: comfort, advantage
Example Sentence:
In his hands, that jagged figure becomes a pang of unease.
5. DEFLECT (VERB): bounce off; turn aside
Synonyms: avert, bend Antonyms: stay, straighten
Example Sentence:
Others insist that he was trying to deflect blame for his own political troubles.
6. IMPINGE (VERB): trespass
Synonyms: encroach, infring Antonyms: dodge, avoid
Example Sentence:
It's a mediator of all the voices that impinge on it.
7. IMPUGN(VERB): criticize, challenge
Synonyms: assail, contravene Antonyms: corroborate, concede
Example Sentence:
He didn't believe anyone took the time to impugn anyone's integrity.
8. MOTLEY (ADJ): mixed, varied
Synonyms: disparate, mingled Antonyms: unvaried, homogeneous
Example Sentence:
Motley served the important purpose of keeping the fool outside the social hierarchy and therefore not subject to class distinction.
9. DOVETAIL (VERB): link, fit together
Synonyms: coincide, conform Antonyms: clash, disagree
Example Sentence:
So closely do the gradations of culture dovetail into one another.
10. PROD (VERB): poke at, urge, incite
Synonyms: nudge, press Antonyms: discourage, repress
Example Sentence:
He has been poking, prodding and pondering the problem for many years.

►-Sacred- 1. पवित्र, धार्मिक, 2. सम्मान के योग्य, 3. गंभीर, गहन
S- 1. holy, hallowed, religious, sanctified
2. honourable, reverend, 3. solemn, sedate, placid
A- 1. profane, unholy, secular, 2. contemptible, 3. annoyed, irriated, ruffled
►-Sagacious- होशियार, बुद्धिमान, मेधावी, कुशाग्र बुद्धि (चतुर)
S- astute, shrewd, acute, nimble, cunning, brilliant, intelligent, prudent, wise, judicious
A- dull, obtuse, stolid, stupid

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