Saturday 16 May 2015

** Vocabulary Words - 16.05.2015 **

** Vocabulary Words - 16.05.2015 **

1. APODICTIC (ADJECTIVE): of a proposition; necessarily true or logically certain
Synonyms: unerring, dependable Antonyms: faulty, imperfect
Example Sentence:
It is apodictic that inadvertent disclosures may work a waiver of the attorney-client privilege.
2. ASPERITY (NOUN): the quality of being hard to endure, uninviting or formidable
Synonyms: harshness; bad temper Antonyms: contentment, sweetness
Example Sentence:
I dread the asperity of northern winters.
3. BEATITUDE (NOUN): a state of supreme happiness or blessedness
Synonyms: bliss, ecstasy Antonyms: sorrow, misery
Example Sentence:
His face had taken on the expression of imbecile beatitude the religious sometimes adopt.
4. CAPRICIOUS (ADJECTIVE): changeable; determined by chance or impulse or whim rather than by necessity or reason
Synonyms: erratic, fickle Antonyms: constant, predictable
Example Sentence:
The capricious bride-to-be has a different church in mind for her wedding every few days.
5. CAPTIOUS (ADJECTIVE): tending to find and call attention to faults
Synonyms: very critical, carping Antonyms: encouraging, praising
Example Sentence:
A captious attitude often causes difficulties in a relationship.
6. CHOLERIC (ADJECTIVE) : easily moved to anger
Synonyms: irritable, peevish Antonyms: cool, calm
Example Sentence:
Men of the choleric type take to kicking and smashing.
7. DENOUEMENT (NOUN): the unraveling of a plot or story; the outcome of a complex sequence of events
Synonyms: conclusion, finale Antonyms: opening, start
Example Sentence:
I waited by the eighteenth green with thousands of spectators to see the denouement.
8. DILATORY (ADJECTIVE): slow to act; intended to cause delay
Synonyms: procrastinating, lingering Antonyms: eager, zealous
Example Sentence:
The White House scolds Congress for being dilatory in finding cash for Panama and Nicaragua.
9. EXTEMPORE (ADJECTIVE): with little or no preparation or forethought
Synonyms: offhand, impromptu Antonyms: prepared, practice
Example Sentence:
This is usually performed extempore, following the whims of the singer, musician and/or dancer.
10. LUMP (NOUN): clump, mass
Synonyms: knot, chunk Antonyms: little, indivisual
Example Sentence:
Jane took a big lump of clay from the bag, and began forming it into the shape of a bowl.

** ANTONYMS & SYNONYMS– 16.05.2015 **
►- Marvellous- आश्चर्यजनक, अद्भुत
S- astonishing, miraculous, amazing, wonerdrful, wondrous, extraordinary, spectacular, stupendous
A- common, ordinary, normal, usual
►- Meddlesome-हस्तक्षेप करने वाला
S- interfering, intermeddling, officious
A- helpful, unobtrusive, unofficious

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