Saturday 9 May 2015

** Vocabulary Words - 09.05.2015 **

** Vocabulary Words - 09.05.2015 **

1. OBLOQUY (NOUN): strong public condemnation.
Synonyms: abuse, criticism Antonyms: praise, commendation
Example Sentence:
Not all writers or artists seek or ably perform a public role, and those who do risk obloquy and derision, even in free societies.
2. NIHILISTIC (ADJECTIVE) : total rejection of established laws and institutions
Synonyms: lawless, anarchic Antonyms: civilized
Example Sentence:
Heller leaves one big escape hatch from this nihilistic frame.
3. VANQUISH (VERB): defeat soundly
Synonyms: Conquer, overpower Antonyms: give in, lose
Example Sentence:
In an attempt to vanquish the monster, the superheroes step in and pummel him, knocking him to the ground.
4. LISSOME (ADJECTIVE): agile and thin
Synonyms: Flexible, limber Antonyms: rigid, clumsy
Example Sentence:
The lean and lissome Obama has learned to slap with a long hand.
5. PERFIDIOUS (ADJECTIVE): treacherous
Synonyms: betraying, deceitful Antonyms: trustworthy , reliable
Example Sentence:
Michelle sought revenge on her perfidious friend who stole her lottery ticket.
6. MOPPET (NOUN) : youth
Synonyms: child , kid Antonyms: adult
Example Sentence:
Johnny Boy exudes a peculiar combination of street-smart toughness and moppet charm.
7. ERSATZ (ADJECTIVE): artificial.
Synonyms: fake, phony Antonyms: genuine, true
Example Sentence:
Unfortunately, the admissions system seems to be primarily geared towards fake sincerity and ersatz enrichment.
8. FLAGRANT (ADJECTIVE): flaunting, blatant; without shame
Synonyms: outrageous, disgraceful Antonyms: timid, shy
Example Sentence:
The bruises on the boy’s legs revealed the flagrant abuse he had suffered at home.
9. PROSAIC (ADJECTIVE): unimaginative
Synonyms: banal, drab Antonyms: exciting, unusual
Example Sentence:
If all of this seems too outlandish, there is a more prosaic way of obtaining negative interest rates through inflation.
10. SANGFROID (ADJECTIVE): composure or coolness shown in danger or under trying circumstances.
Synonyms: calmness, equanimity Antonyms: instability, agitation
Example Sentence:
Even as the building fell around him, the fireman maintained his sangfroid and rescued the little girl.

►-Desecrate-अपवित्र करना, दूषित करना, भ्रष्ट करना
S- profane, misuse, abuse, corrupt
A- consecrate, purify, sanctify, solemnize, glorify
►-Despair- निराशा, नाउम्मीदी
S- despondency, desperation, hopelesness, dejection
A- confidence, hope, elation, anticipation, expectation

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