Friday 8 May 2015

**Vocabulary Words - 08.05.2015**

**Vocabulary Words - 08.05.2015**
►-AVER (VERB): maintain
Synonyms: affirm, assert Antonyms: disclaim, deny
Example Sentence:
Many scientists aver to the contrary but science is not decided by consensus.
►-LIBERTINE (NOUN): debauched person
Synonyms: lecher, cyprian Antonyms: puritan
Example Sentence:
There was an especial article in the law which opened wide the door to libertine husbands and debauched wives.
►-SEDULOUS (ADJECTIVE): diligent in application or attention; persevering
Synonyms: assiduous, determined Antonyms: tiring, unconstant
Example Sentence:
Harrison is constantly boasting about his sedulous assistant who keeps the office running smoothly.
►-RAFFISH (ADJECTIVE): unmindful of social conventions
Synonyms: bohemian, disreputable Antonyms: behaved, couth
Example Sentence:
His popularity has always owed more to his raffish, well-rounded personality than to his views.
►-DROSS (NOUN): waste matter
Synonyms: remains, dregs Antonyms: assests, possessions
Example Sentence:
Nowhere is it written that anyone can turn water to wine, dross to gold or frogs into princes by following a step-by-step guide.
►-LASSITUDE (NOUN): lethargy
Synonyms: fatigue, exhaustion Antonyms: energy, liveliness
Example Sentence:
After the long race, Jack experienced a feeling of lassitude.
Synonyms: apathetic, indifferent Antonyms: interested, passionate
Example Sentence:
He was calm, almost phlegmatic in conversation, but the minute he walked on a platform he was transformed.
►-CRAVEN (ADJECTIVE): weak, timid
Synonyms: mean-spirited, cowardly Antonyms: brave, courageous
Example Sentence:
The bad guys are represented by a craven businessman and a scarred ex-Marine.
►-PIQUANT (ADJECTIVE) : flavorful, biting
Synonyms: peppery, savoury Antonyms: tasteless, bland
Example Sentence:
Green sauces are invariably piquant and herbacious.
►-DEMUR (VERB) : disagree
Synonyms: vacillate, oppose Antonyms: accept, agree
Example Sentence:
There was no reason for demur ; there was no law against it.

►-Precarious- अनिश्चित, संदिग्ध, नाजुक
S- doubtful, dbious, uncertain, unsettled, perilous
A- assured, certain, safe, immutable
►-Presposterous-मूर्ख, बेतुका, असंगत
S- absurd, foolish, irrational, ridiculous, nonsensical
A- fair, rational, reasonable, moderate, just, right

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