Thursday 7 May 2015

**Vocabulary Words - 07.05.2015**

**Vocabulary Words - 07.05.2015**
►-DRENCH (VERB): wet thoroughly
Synonyms: drown, immerse Antonyms: dehydrate, dry
Example Sentence:
Rains, welcome to the redwoods but not to visitors, drench the park in winter.
►-SACRILEGE (NOUN): irreverence
Synonyms: crime, curse Antonyms: kindness, obedience
Example Sentence:
He predicted over a hundred years ago the sacrilege of burning irreplaceable petroleum oil when energy is all around us.
►-SLACK (ADJECTIVE): loose, baggy; inactive
Synonyms: feeble, sluggish Antonyms: lively, active
Example Sentence:
These pants are a little loose, however there is a handy drawstring to take up the slack.
►-CONTEMPLATE (VERB): think about seriously; plan
Synonyms: consider, ponder Antonyms: neglect, reject
Example Sentence:
Our busy schedule does not allow much time to contemplate the pleasant surroundings.
►-SMIRK (NOUN): sly smile
Synonyms: grin, sneer Antonyms: grimace
Example Sentence:
We beam when we're cheerful, grin sheepishly when we're guilty, smirk when we're proud.
►-WAIVE (VERB): to refrain from claiming or insisting on; give up; forgo
Synonyms: resign, renounce Antonyms: demand
Example Sentence:
Very few universities here will waive tuition for grad students.
►-RETALIATE (VERB): to return like for like, especially evil for evil
Synonyms: counter, repay Antonyms: depart, leave
Example Sentence:
If the birds find that their eggs have been destroyed or removed from the nest, the cowbirds retaliate, the study says.
►-UPHEAVAL (NOUN): major change
Synonyms: disorder, disruption Antonyms: blessing, calm
Example Sentence:
The upheaval scared off tourists and shattered the city's economy.
►-FRIVOLOUS (ADJECTIVE) : trivial, silly
Synonyms: foolish, impractical Antonyms: sensible, wise
Example Sentence:
My opponent has fought efforts to reduce frivolous litigation.
►-RECOUP (VERB) : recover, make up for
Synonyms: compensate, refund Antonyms: deprive, forfeit
Example Sentence:
The subsidy would allow the manufacturer to recoup its investment and earn a profit.

►-Scurrilous- अश्लील, नीच, कटुभाषी
S- abusive, indecent, grossly, mean, rude, obscene, supercilious
A- courteous, decorous, polite, respectful, refined
►-Sordid- 1. नीच, घटिया, अधम, 2. लालची, कंजूस
S- 1. mean, abject, dirty, filthy, 2. greedy, niggardly
A- 1. candid, noble, great, honourable, 2. extravagant, lavish

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