Thursday 28 May 2015

** Vocabulary Words - 28.05.2015 **

** Vocabulary Words - 28.05.2015 **
1. CONTRITE (ADJECTIVE): penitent, eager to be forgiven
Synonyms: remorseful, repentant Antonyms: hurtful, mean
Example Sentence:
Blake’s contrite behavior made it impossible to stay angry at him.
2. SERVILE (ADJECTIVE): subservient
Synonyms: grovelling, beggarly Antonyms: aggressive, dominant
Example Sentence:
The servile porter crept around THE HOTEL lobby, bowing and quaking before the guests.
3. SOLIPSISTIC (ADJECTIVE): believing that oneself is all that exists
Synonyms: egoistic, self-absorption
Example Sentence:
Colette’s solipsistic attitude completely ignored the plight of the homeless people on the street.
4. SOMNOLENT (ADJECTIVE) : sleepy, drowsy
Synonyms: dozy, asleep Antonyms: lively, energetic
Example Sentence:
The somnolent student kept falling asleep and waking up with a jerk.
5. VACUOUS (ADJECTIVE): lack of content or ideas, stupid
Synonyms: airheaded, dumb Antonyms: aware, intelligent
Example Sentence:
Beyoncé realized that the lyrics she had just penned were completely vacuous and tried to add more substance.
6. LISSOME (ADJECTIVE): agile and thin
Synonyms: Flexible, limber Antonyms: rigid, clumsy
Example Sentence:
The lean and lissome Obama has learned to slap with a long hand.
7. ERSATZ (ADJECTIVE): artificial.
Synonyms: fake, phony Antonyms: genuine, true
Example Sentence:
Unfortunately, the admissions system seems to be primarily geared towards fake sincerity and ersatz enrichment.
8. IMPEDIMENT (NOUN): A hindrance or obstruction in doing something
Synonyms: Obstacle, Barrier Antonyms: Assistance, Benefit
Example Sentence:
He rightly identified air resistance as the largest impediment and energy cost in high speed transportation.
9. GOSSAMER (ADJECTIVE): gauzy, thin
Synonyms: fine, light Antonyms: dark, thick
Example Sentence:
Her shapely arms were bare, and in her hands she held a gossamer scarf.
Synonyms: chomp, grind Antonyms: swallow
Example Sentence:
These mixers use tremendous power to literally chew, or masticate, rubber and solid fillers into an acceptable mixture.

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